Sermons on 1 John
Faith that Overcomes the World
Evening Service | 1 John 5 | July 9, 2023
Fellowship with Christ
Evening Service | 1 John 4 | July 9, 2023
Assurance of Salvation
Evening Worship | 1 John 3 | May 21, 2023
What Happens when Born Again
Evening Worship | 1 John 2 | April 30, 2023
Blessed Assurance
The Promise of Pardon
Confidence at His Coming
The Incarnation Reveals the Love of God
The Incarnation Reveals the Love of God Text: 1 John 4:9-10 For many people this is a time of year of showing love. We send cards and gifts and make phone calls to those we love in order to remind them of the love we have for them. But in this chapter we see the true origin of love; v8. Love is divine in nature. It is an attribute in God, that like Him is infinite,…