Exposition of Philippians
God Provides
God Provides Text: Philippians 4:18-23 I. THE AGENT IN PROVISION – v18 God’s provision comes through certain agents. In this case, the agent is the Philippian church and their messenger Epaphroditus. 1. The Practical Significance of their Provision “I have all, and abound: I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you”…
Partnership in Christian Giving
Partnership in Christian Giving Text: Philippians 4:14-17 Last week we commenced the final section of this letter considering, The Joy of Christian Giving. I. PAUL’S DECLARATION OF JOY IN THEIR GIFT – v10 Source, Sphere, Sympathy of His Joy. II. PAUL’S DISCLAIMER OF JOY IN THEIR GIFT v11 III. PAUL’S DISCOVERY OF JOY IN GOD’S GIFTS v12-13 Contrast and Claim.…
The Joy of Christian Giving
The Joy of Christian Giving Text: Philippians 4:10-13 As we come to these closing verses, we approach no doubt what was one of the primary reasons for the apostle taking up his pen, which was to express his gratitude to them for the gift which the Philippians had sent to him by the hand of Epaphroditus. He made a passing reference to it in 2:25,30 but now he makes it a…
Think And Do Whatever Is True
Think And Do Whatever Is True Text: Philippians 4:8-9 Whether Christian or not, how you think determines what you love, and what you love determines how you live, especially how you live in secret. The only way to change what you do is to change how you think. And when you change how you think you will change what you love. Speaking of the man that has the evil eye,…
The Path to Incomprehensible Peace
The Path to Incomprehensible Peace Text: Philippians 4:4-7 One of the things I make my priority in my ministry is expounding, explaining, and applying the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. My hope is that by the consistent preaching of this truth, you will be kept from the deficiencies of much preaching today. While the Bible may be read and certain truths discussed, much…
Killing Quarrels in the Church
Killing Quarrels in the Church Text: Philippians 4:2-3 Whenever we were doing our series in the family, I said on a number of occasions that you should remember that marriage is the coming together of two sinners. Every time that is the case, and as a result, problems are not just possible, they are inevitable. But it’s not just in marriage where we are faced with…
Stand Fast in the Lord
Stand Fast in the Lord Text: Philippians 4:1 One of the most difficult experiences of life is dealing with wavering and faltering children. Outside a Christian context, it can be very difficult for parents to deal with watching their children throw away their lives, or waste their abilities. However, for the Christian, while this may be upsetting, it does not compare to…