Better Felt Than Telt
Text: 1 Kings 10:1-9
Upon hearing for the work of Jesus Christ casting out devils, we read in Matt 12 that the Pharisees said, “This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.”
Following that, the Lord Jesus begins to berate them for their unbelief, saying, “The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.” (Matt 12:41-42).
And we learn from these verses that the actions of the Ninevities and the Queen of Sheba set a precedent by which others will be judged. Their actions will be a testimony of condemnation against the unbeliever of the Saviour’s day, since they believed with a lesser witness than that of the Son of God.
But the point I want to make from these verses is that the affirm that the Queen of Sheba became a believer in her visit to King Solomon.
v7 “until I came” – she testifies that the glories of what she was told were only understood when she came and saw it for herself. The implication is to you unbeliever, that you will never ‘get’ the wonder of salvation until you get yourself to Christ. You will never be saved until you come. This is something you must do. If you don’t do it you are lost.
In this portion Solomon depicts in a lesser form, the Lord Jesus Christ. The history is recorded by God because it reflects truths that are true about the Saviour.
“I believed not the words” – The Queen of Sheba hear reports about Solomon (v1,6). She became acquainted with a knowledge about Solomon.
v1 “concerning the name of the LORD” – the fame of Solomon was not detached from his testimony as a believer. His fame was connected to the fact that he walked with God and had what he had as a result of the Lord. People knew that his wisdom was attributed to the fact he knew God. Indeed, the only reason she came to Solomon was because the testimony made her believe he could answer her questions about spiritual truths, “hard questions” that were upon her heart. She came to Solomon to get the truth.
And that’s what all sinners must do. You must come to Christ to get the truth that matters in this life. I don’t care how smart or intelligent you think you are, you have zero wisdom before God if you have not Christ. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. All wisdom is in Christ (1 Cor 1).
The Lord Jesus is the only one who brings men out of darkness – v3. Christ has all knowledge.
Are you searching friend? Are you wanting help? Are you wanting deliverance? Would you like to have a clear way paved before you in life, rather than living in darkness? More importantly, how can you get rid of your guilt? Your fear? Your worry of dying? Your concerns about eternity? What is the answer for you? The answer is in Christ. If you get to Christ you get the answers you need.
The gospel explains how you can get your corruption cleansed away.
v2 “she communed with him of all that was in her heart” – she unburdened her heart before Solomon. Oh how this reflects the great work of the Lord Jesus. You don’t need a priest or a pope; some scoundrel pretending that he can act as a mediator between you a God as you confess your sin. No, right where you’re sitting you can commune with the Lord all that is in your heart. You can bring all the vileness of your sin to Him, and He will gladly pardon and forgive you. Talk to Him. Speak to Him.
She clearly had some doubts as she came. “I believed not the words” (v7).
It is only when you come to the Lord that you discover why Christians live as Christians. Why Christians want you to join them. Why they are concerned. Why they give up the pleasures of sin. You don’t get that until you come. You can have no assurance that Christ will save you until you actually come to Him. You must come. You must receive Him. You will never get the answers you seek until you come to Christ. He does for you everything the Bible promises. When you come, God gives His Holy Spirit and you begin to know you are His child. You begin to enjoy the assurance of sins forgiven. No religion gives you that assurance, it is Christ and Christ alone.
v7 “exceedeth the fame” look at the effect, “no more spirit in her” v5.
When she came she beheld all that Solomon possessed, and all that his people enjoyed, she marvelled. Do you not envy the Christian? Would you not like what they possess?
v8-9 – Look at the privileges God’s people enjoy. This is why they don’t make as many disastrous decisions in their life. If they read the book of God they abide in the wisdom of the Lord, and hear from Him. As a 19 year old I found in Christ something I had never found in any sinful experience. Christ right now is seated in the throne of Heaven, and he rules for the benefit of the Israel of God, that is, the Lord’s people. Christ reigns in Heaven for the benefit of those who are His people. Would you like a King that reigns for your benefit?
I can imagine there would have been a lot of things that would have prevented her from believing. She was a Queen. She had responsibilities. She had subjects. What would happen if she believed upon the Lord? But whatever ever questions may have been in her mind, she didn’t let anything stop her from obtaining the salvation in Jehovah that she needed.
Oh won’t you learn from her? Nothing is more important than your soul. You are staring into an eternity that you must step into. How can you put anything before being ready for eternity? It makes no sense!
This woman travelled a 1000 miles to get herself to Christ. What about you? Are you going to take Christ as your Saviour? Are you willing to lose your soul? Surely not.