Let the Bible Speak Radio

Let the Bible Speak Radio

The Let The Bible Speak radio ministry has been active in Southern Alberta since 1977. Indeed, it contributed to the formation of the Calgary congregation of the Free Presbyterian Church, which still maintains this ministry to this day.

As the title declares, we aim to let the Bible speak – for it is the Inspired and Infallible Word of God:

  • The Scriptures are a lamp for our feet – that we know where to safely put our feet; and they are a light for our path – to know where we are to direct our feet in life. (Psalm 119: 105)
  • The Scriptures can also make us wise unto Salvation (2 Timothy 3:15) because they direct us to the ONLY Saviour given by God (Acts 4:12)

The program is broadcast on AM 1140 High River, and presented by Rev. Paul A. Backhurst.

Our broadcasts are every Saturday at 5.30 pm (repeated on Sunday at 10 am) and then on Sunday at 10 pm.

Weekday programs are at 4.30 pm, and are presented by our colleague Rev. Ian Goligher, from Cloverdale Free Presbyterian Church, BC.

There are no sermons to show.