Christ In The Heart & Home
Considerations Before Courtship
Considerations Before Courtship Text: Titus 2:1-8 Much of the happiness or sorrow of this life will be tied to our home life. The romance soon turns into reality, and if there has been deliberate folly or rebellion on the part of a believer, there will be consequences to pay. I. THE CONDITION OF THE PROSPECT 1. The Evidence of Salvation It is not wise to be overly…
The Problem with Singleness
The Problem with Singleness Text: 1 Corinthians 7:1-9 Last week we addressed the position of singleness, a state which a lot of people find themselves in. Those who have never married, those who have been divorced, and those who are widows. The Will of God, Sovereignty of God, Purpose of God in Singleness, as well as a word to the People of God Serving Singles.…
Understanding Singleness
Understanding Singleness Text: 1 Cor 7:32-35 While we often focus on marriages and relationships, singles make up a huge percentage of our world, whether it be the widowed, divorced, and those who have never married. Furthermore, nowadays it seems people are taking longer to get married, as well as increased divorce rates launching people back into singleness prematurely.…
Family Living – Introduction
Family Living – Introduction Text: Ephesians 5 There’s much emphasis in the media put on social issues. There’s always something we’re being told needs addressed. But it’s always presented as a social issue.
However, what is society? It is simply the collection of families. In fact, Margaret Thatcher touched on this when she said, “There is no such…