Exposition of Philippians (Page 3)

Exposition of Philippians (Page 3)

Signs of a Heavenly People

Signs of a Heavenly People Text: Phil 1:27-28 Last week we saw that Paul uses the language of v27 to remind them of the obligations they had as people who participate in a society, which in this case, is the society of believers whose strongest ties are in heaven. Now the unity of those who are citizens of heaven is going to be repeatedly enforced by Paul over the next…

The Christian Motive Text

The Christian Motive Text Text: Philippians 1:22-26 The sovereignty of God is the most comforting doctrine for the child of God. To be able to rest in the knowledge that God knows best and that nothing can or will thwart His purposes either in a general sense, or towards each of His people as individuals. One of the reasons I find it so comforting is because I’m…

The Christian Motto Text

The Christian Motto Text Text: Philippians 1:21 One of the great testimonies to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the radical transformation of the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those of you who know the gospel records will be aware of the sadness that gripped the heart of the disciples and followers of the Lord when the knowledge of Christ’s…

Christian Joy

Christian Joy Text: Philippians 1:18-20 Sometimes we can be hopeful of something, but unsure about whether it may happen. That’s perhaps how some of you feel about the prospect of your loved ones coming to know Christ. Hopeful, but not certain. That’s how Paul felt about his release from being a prisoner of Rome. Compare 1:25-26 and 2:23. Even an apostle can’t be…